Pelatihan Training DX Integrating Capability Master Class
Banyak perusahaan teknologi muncul hanya dari garasi. Tapi mereka mampu melesat tak terduga, dan bahkan memporak-porandakan peta persaingan bisnis. Kini bukan saatnya lagi yang besar mengalahkan yang kecil, melainkan yang cepat akan mengalahkan yang lambat.
Urgensi transformasi digital bahkan dipercepat lagi dengan krisis pandemi. Tidak ada satu pun bisnis yang bisa dikatakan aman. Semua dipaksa untuk men-digital-kan dirinya, karena kini bisnis tidak mungkin hanya mengandalkan jalur konvensional.
Ikutilah program ini untuk memahami mega trends yang sedang terjadi, serta bagaimana praktiknya sesuai model bisnis Anda. Workshop ini juga dilengkapi dengan case studies global maupun lokal, yang bisa membantu eksekusi strategi secara praktis!
The digital giants like Amazon, Alibaba, and Apple have now entered most industries in the global economy. They are the disruptors. In some industries, like retail & hospitality, the disruption is deep.
Accelerated by current pandemic, digital transformation of traditional companies is a matter of survival and existence. At the same time, for those who do become digital, the opportunities to build a new corporation, new shareholder value, and create new jobs are immense.
Make no mistake, every company of any size must digitize. It must be a platform or be part of somebody else's platform. A physical company can outcompete purely digital companies, because human beings are social, they want connectivity, social interactions.
The purpose of this program is to share customer and mega trends impacting your business model, and practice digital tools for transformation. Global and Indonesian case studies and exercises will provide practical applications of the tools in Indonesian business environment.
- Understand the framework, strategy, and tools in digital transformation journey,
- Review best practices on how companies transform in the journey, and
- Practice the application of the concepts into your business context:
- Identify customer segment for DX
- Evaluate potential disruption
- Develop customer network strategy and customer journey
- Design data analytics strategy
- Develop new platform mapping
- Ensure the implementation of DX plan with execution-biased systems and structure
Pre-Workshop Activity:
Online Assessment of your Digital Transformation Readiness
Workshop Takeaways:
- Participant kit with multitude of examples in digital strategy
- Practical tools in analyzing and step-by-step development of your digital strategy
- Digital platform mapping tool
- World-class case studies
- New Book: Secrets to Becoming an Execution Winner (Gramedia)
Target audience:
Owners, BOD Members, Senior Managers and Strategy Planners of companies facing digital disruptions
• Suwardi Luis
CEO of One-GML, Author and Start-up Founder, Consultant to various DX corporations
• Sutanto Hartono
Director of EMTEK Group (SCTV, VDIO, DANA, Bukalapak) - Digital Customer Journey & Platform Strategy
• Djunaidi Baharudin
Chief of Strategy & Execution Tribe, leader and advisor to corporate transformation clients
Workshop Outline
Session 1
- World Mega Trends and Shifting Customer Behaviors
- New Indonesian Customer Behaviors in Pandemic
- DX Responses: Cases of Successes and Failures
- Six Dimensions of Digital Transformation (DX) Company
- Your DX Readiness Assessment Results
- Disruptive Business Model: Components of innovation
- DX Tool 1: Identifying the Right Customer Segment
Session 2
DX Tool 2: Face Specific Disruptors
- Identify a specific disruptor
- Review incumbent value proposition
- Map the value proposition and network differentials
- Rate level of threats
- List your response strategy
- Three strategies to survive stronger in shrinking market
DX Tool 3: Develop Customer Journey and Network Strategy
- The new world of customer behaviors
- Customer experience journey
- Case Study
Session 3
DX Tool 3: Develop Customer Journey and Network Strategy (Cont’d)
- Five customer network strategy
- Your company application exercises
DX Tool 4: Develop Data Analytics Strategy
- Cases of data analytics strategy
- Understanding big data
- Sources of data
- Steps in data analytics strategy
Session 4
DX Tool 5: Scale Up your Business with Platform
- Various platform models & value drivers
- Map your platform business model
- Case studies
- Your company application
Making It Happens with Execution Biased Systems and Structure
- Rapid decision making and experiments: Start up way
- DX strategy management
- DX structure
Summary and Wrap Up